A downloadable game

Prototype testbed of a game I've been working on over the jam, unfortunately I was busy and didn't have much time to commit to the jam. However I was able to finish creating an item/weapon system which allows the player to pickup and lob fruit/veg or use weapons like a mop (hence the sound effects) against shoppers.

The concept behind this was the player would be a disgruntled shop worker or cleaner who had finally lost it. And you'd have to throw fruit and use weapons to upset and scare off the customers causing the shop to lose money and eventually shutting down, getting a score based on how dirty/upset you made customers. If you get caught by the manager you lose and get sacked.

Again this is a prototype, the next steps would be for me to start adding in AI and then adding more pickups etc to use. Perhaps allowing for spillages to slip customers up etc and have them run out the store crying once you've upset them enough.


Game.ZIP 32 MB

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