Death. Before. Dawn. Is a basic 2D platformer, the goal is to survive as long as possible, killing as many enemies as possible consuming their souls to keep you going until dawn. When your strength will be sapped away before you die.

How to play:

W = Jump.

A = Left.

D = Right.

Left Mouse = Attack.

Objective: Survive as long as you can, the closer to dawn you get the more ticking damage you take. Kill fleeing enemy peasants to regain lots of life. Watch out for the knights hunting you, whilst they will give you some health when they die. They will also drain it from you if they hit you! And beware! The closer you get to dawn, the fewer peasants that will be around and the more knights there will be!

This is an entry to the 'Untitled Game Jam #89'. And took around 30 hours to make. It's also my first 2D Unity game :). The topic for this Jam was 'Death is useful'. Considering that killing enemies increases your health, I'd say I've met the topic criteria :D.

References to content used within my project are listed in the References.txt file.


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neat. i like how the graphics change as the night progresses.

Thanks, simple trick of using a 2d Sprite that has a gradient of white that slowly changes it's alpha level based on the level time.

Love the art style, especially the armour on the soldiers. The music is great but I think the sound effects (the voices especially) were a little too loud. It's also quite easy to win, a tougher enemy would've made this super exciting. Overall, still fun and very engaging!

Thanks, I made it intentionally easy so that people would be able to play it. It's slightly harder now, but not overly difficult. The voices were made to be louder than the background music in order to allow the player to hear when they had killed a knight/peasant or been hit. I didn't have time to put in tons of options to control the sound level unfortunately.